
Just a blog between three friends, one a knitter who sometimes crochets (or so it seems), one a crocheter who struggles to learn knitting, and the other who crochets, has tried knitting and is simply a lurker on here. :) Feel free to follow along as we discuss projects, struggles, and rewards of the fiber arts.

Thursday, September 07, 2006

You know you're a yarn addict when.... go on vacation you pack 2 bags - 1 for clothes and 1 for yarn and both are stuffed. Okay, so the clothes bag still has room but the yarn bag is packed to the top. take 3 projects with you on said vacation so you can have variety. contemplate packing one or two more....just in case. have to leave crochet meeting early because for the first time EVER you got further along in a pattern than you expected and didn't have the next color change with you and you just didn't know what to do next. Yeah, it happened. wonder if you can fit more yarn in the clothes bag since there's still a bit of room. ;-)

Okay ladies, I'm off on vacation. Well, I guess really I'm just telling Dani since Brandee is already there. And knitting. But we'll forgive her since it's for her kidlet to be.

Gnomebert is almost ready to go. He wants his pic taken with the suitcase (although I'm trying to convince him the more important bag is the yarn tote) before we leave tomorrow but I have to wait until the camera charges. We will get lots of pics with him, I promise. And he will be in good hands...mine.

Oh, thought of one more.... wish they'd hurry up and figure out that automatic pilot for cars so you can crochet in the 2+ hour trip down south. ;-) So not fair to have to drive during that prime crocheting time. I promise not to keep crocheting with me in the front seat. Even if I am likely to hit rush hour traffic (ie, parking lot).

More when we return....


Blogger Another yarn said...

Ok, I have to admit to crocheting while stuck in traffic. Do it every morning !!! LOL
shhhhh ....

9:19 AM  

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