Brandee (and Dani, even though she won't post much),
I have successfully finished the first sleeve on this cardigan. I only had to rip out 2 other rounds because the directions did not make much sense. Am I the only one that thinks if we're going to have difficult parts there should be pictures to go with it? You know, little Figure A diagrams. I think it's a fabulous idea and when I make patterns, I'm going to do it. Yep yep.
Anyway, I did the smart thing and wrote down how many repeats of some rows there were to make it the right length (you know, in those annoying "repeat until piece measures 17.5 inches"). Figured it would save me time in the second sleeve.
Yes, the second sleeve. Should go quicker 'cause I understand the pattern now, right? Yeah, if I was working on it instead of having it sit on the sofa next to me. The thought of having to do the same thing AGAIN bores me. Like put me to sleep boring. Ugh. This is why I also don't do a lot of patterns over again. Other than the Seraphina shawl, but that's 'cause it's simply hand candy and doesn't require the pattern after row 16.
Well, I should get working on it. I'd like to not have to drag around 2 skeins for much longer. And once I finish the second sleeve then I'm back down to one skein for the body again.
Oh, and your stars? They will continue to stare at you until you finish them. Or shove them under the bed. That's what I did with my granny square skirt. It's all tucked away where it belongs under the bed. With the dust ruffle on it, I never see that box. :) It's a great plan. What amazes me is that you've made this afghan know it is a pain in the arse and you're doing it anyway. I'm beginning to think you're a glutton for self-punishment.
Back to the second sleeve,